Workplace Readiness

Workplace Readiness Program

Through the Workplace Readiness Program Scholars develop their skills for personal presentations, interviewing, working collaboratively with a team, creating a resume’, personal branding and other tools for professional success.  Scholars visit worksites, meet with employers and learn the expectations of the workplace.

Career Awareness

All Scholars in 3rd through 8th grades are provided with workshops, worksite visits and mentors from many STEM fields and occupations.  Scholars learn the type of work performed, skills needed for success and how to prepare themselves for these careers. Visits to colleges and universities further expand Scholars’ understanding of the opportunities in STEM careers. Hands-on workshops and Special Interest Groups also allow Scholars to explore their areas of interest and potential career opportunities.

Job Shadowing

Jupiter Scholars (10th-12th grades) have opportunities for Job Shadowing with our Partners. Scholars spend a day at the worksite, observe a STEM professional at work and meet with employers and learn about the work being done in the job.  


Senior Scholars (12th grade) and Alumni participate in Internships with our Partners to gain workplace experience. Internships usually are 8 weeks and may be paid or unpaid.

Registration is Now Open!

YMWIC 2024-2025 Program Year

Registration has begun for the upcoming school year for rising 3rd – 12th grade students. New and returning Scholars should fill out the following forms:

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