Personal Statement Name Scholar NameNombre del Estudiante * DateFecha * Scholar ChapterCapÃtulo Estudiantil * Current GradeGrado Actual * Scholar's SchoolAcadémico escolar asiste * YMWIC and YMWIC Upward Bound is a rigorous academic program assisting students in succeeding in school, attending college, and earning a degree. YMWIC provides tutors, summer programs, workshops, trips, job shadowing, internships, enrichment activities and step-by-step guidance for the college and financial aid application process. Even with all these services and resources, we only provide the opportunity. The rest is your responsibility. This personal statement will help us get to know you better as a person and student in ways that differ from courses, grades and test scores. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. Instructions: Please write a brief essay that answers each of the following questions: In what grade did you join YMWIC? ¿En qué grado te uniste a YMWIC?
 What challenges have you overcome?¿Qué retos has superado? * New Scholars: Why do you want to be involved in the YMWIC and how can you benefit from the programs that are offered? Nuevos estudiante: ¿Por qué quiere participar en el YMWIC y cómo puede beneficiarse de los programas que se ofrecen?
 How can you benefit from the programs offered by YMWIC?¿Cómo puede beneficiarse de los programas ofrecidos por YMWIC? Returning Scholars: What is the biggest impact the foundation has had on you and what do you enjoy most? Estudiantes que regresan: ¿Cuál es el mayor impacto que la fundación ha tenido en ustedes y qué es lo que más disfrutan? What do you think that the YMWIC should do for you?¿Qué cree que el YMWIC deberÃa hacer por usted? What would you like to study? List any colleges you have in mind. ¿Que te gustaria estudiar? Enumere las universidades que tenga en mente.
 * What would you like to be when you grow up?¿Qué te gustarÃa ser cuando seas grande? * How do you plan to commit to YMWIC?¿Cómo planea comprometerse con YMWIC? * What awards or honors have you received (Honor Roll, National Honor Society, etc)? ¿Qué premios u honores ha recibido (Cuadro de Honor, Sociedad Nacional de Honor, etc.)? * What do you like to do in your free time? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? * Captcha Submit Δ